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We Welcome Donations of all Sizes in Support of our Mission

Founded in 2002, the E2Tech Council's events and programs have had a positive impact on hundreds of businesses, thousands of lives, and tens-of-thousands of families.  Over the years, we have accumulated plaques, press stories, and letters of appreciation from the US Environmental Protection Agency, state institutions, non-profits, individuals, and businesses both local and global.

The Council also has been recognized by philanthropic support in the form of awards from family and corporate foundations, major gifts and annual giving, and donations of stock, mutual funds, goods and services. While most of our income comes from individual and company memberships and sponsorships, and contracts, these special contributions provide additional support for new initiatives, general operations, and specific programs: forums and events, research and special projects, and promoting Maine as a place for tech innovation, jobs and the green economy.

Thank you for considering a donation to E2Tech.  Smaller gifts can be made via credit card using the form below. If you are considering a larger gift to the Council, please contact Eric Howard, the Executive Director, at     

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E2Tech: Environmental & Energy Technology Council of Maine

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P.O. Box 8517  Portland, ME 04104

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