Sarah Watts
Sarah is the Vice President and Operations Manager for the Portland, Maine Tetra Tech office, managing a staff of 22 biologists, natural resource specialists, planners, and archaeologists. She is the Biology Discipline Co-Lead for the Consulting and Engineering Services division of Tetra Tech, and has over 24 years of experience in natural resource inventory, assessment, planning, and analysis for federal, state, and commercial clients in support of environmental assessment and permitting projects.
Sarah currently serves in a program and project management capacity for multiple programs, providing coordination, technical oversight, quality assurance/quality control, and leading project teams and subcontractors on small- and large-scale planning, evaluation, and monitoring projects across the northeastern U.S.
Recently, Sarah’s project work has focused on management, implementation, and quality assurance of project deliverables, especially related to wetlands, vernal pools, streams, and threatened or endangered species such as red knot and northern long-eared bats.